Visualizing Dependancies

Posted on Friday July 2011

NDepend. That’s the answer.

However, the question was, how can I visualize dependancies in a .NET assembly? And as it turns, quite easily indeed.

First of all, this is what I am talking about. Here is a graph showing constructor injection (you know, IoC, DI, etc.) in an application I wrote a while back that downloads MP3 from RSS/ATOM feeds.

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The Downloader model class expects Download and RSS Managers to be injected, among other things. You can also see possible issues, such as a concrete reference to History, instead of IHistory, for example.

When you use a tool like Castle, or Unity, or Structure map, etc, you will become familiar with the term “dependency graph” – this is literally a visualization of such a graph.

We can also visualize class inheritance and interface implementations:

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MainView is a WPF window by the look of it, and inherits a lot of stuff because of it.

Or assembly references: alt text

The MediaGrabber assembly references the usual system assemblies, as well as Castle and the RSS and Download manager components.

And if I ever get around to it, you could also visualize namespace references as well...

In essence all I am doing is some simple reflection over an assembly, and graphing relationships between types and/or assemblies.

        private void ShowConstructorInjection(Assembly rootAssembly)

            foreach (var type in rootAssembly.GetTypes())
                // inspect constructors
                foreach (var constructor in type.GetConstructors())
                    // here we look at constructor injection
                    // to determine a "dependency"
                    foreach (var param in constructor.GetParameters())
                            GraphToVisualize.AddEdge(new Edge<object>(param.ParameterType.FullName, type.FullName));
                        catch { }

The graphing and visualization is handled by the most excellent QuickGraph and Graph# respectively.

You can grab the source code here and have a play. I can tell you now, it’s pretty brittle and will crash a lot :)

For comparison, this is a small part of DotNetNuke6, constructor injection (that's System.Object in the center, btw...):

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