the simplest thing - event aggregation

Posted on Sunday May 2012

I have started looking at some of the event aggregation and messaging patterns around MVVM. PRISM offers an implementation and I have dissected it down to a simplistic implementation in order to learn a bit more.

This is EXPERIMENTAL - the actual implementation has WeakReferences, thread safety etc which are not present here. However, this is simple and it works (to a degree) and, I think, captures the essence of the PRISM event aggregation code.

The Aggregator

    public class Aggregator
        private readonly Dictionary<Type, EventBase> _events;

        public Aggregator()
            _events = new Dictionary<Type, EventBase>();

        public TEventType Get<TEventType>() where TEventType : EventBase, new()
            EventBase newEvent = null;

            if (!_events.TryGetValue(typeof(TEventType), out newEvent))
                newEvent = new TEventType();
                _events[typeof(TEventType)] = newEvent;

            return (TEventType)newEvent;

The Event

    public abstract class EventBase
        private readonly List<Action<object>> _subscriptions;

        public EventBase()
            _subscriptions = new List<Action<object>>();

        protected void PublishImpl(object payload)
            foreach (var subscription in _subscriptions)

        protected void SubscribeImpl(Action<object> subscription)

An Event and Usage

    public class NotificationEvent : EventBase
        public void Publish(string message)

        public void Subscribe(Action<string> action)
            var subscription = new Action<object>((payload) => action((string)payload));


    _aggregator.Get<NotificationEvent>().Publish("sending a message...");

    _aggregator.Get<NotificationEvent>().Subscribe((message) => { DoSomethingWithTheMessage(message); });


That's it. My intention is to dissect the GalaSoft MMVM Light Messenger implementation and do a bit of a compare and contrast. Let's see how I go.